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A young man in a recording studio

Recorded Radio Programs

Listen to the Recordings of our Past Radio Programs on Climate change, its causes, its impact and good agronomic practices for Climate Smart Agriculture. 

Dry Dead Trees

1 What is climate change? 

This radio programs in Hausa were about climate change, its causes and impact

1 Canjin Yana yi (Climate Change) Amana FM 2023-10-18 at 14.24.39
00:00 / 32:08
1 Canjin Yanayi(Climate Change) Gotel FM Yola []Artist Name
00:00 / 30:14
1 Canjin Yanayi (Climate Change) YobeArtist Name
00:00 / 28:30

2 Climate change and Agriculture

These radio programs in Hausa were about climate change and agriculture.

2 Canjin Yanayi da Noma (Climate Change and Agriculture) Amana FM
00:00 / 30:28
2 Canjin Yanayi da Noma (Climate Change and Agriculture) Gotel FM Yola []Artist Name
00:00 / 30:02
2 Canjin yanayi da Noma (Climate Change and Agriculture) YobeArtist Name
00:00 / 27:20
Organic farm

3 What farmers can do to mitigate climate change!

These radio programs in Hausa were about the changes that farmers need to make in their agronomic practices to prevent climate change and mitigate the negative impacts.

3 Abinda Manoma Zasu Iya yi don rage Sauyin Yanayi (What Farmers can do to Mitigate the ef
00:00 / 28:25
3 How farmers can adapt climate smart agriculture Yola []Artist Name
00:00 / 30:31
3 Abin da manoma za su iya yi don rage sauyin yanayi (What farmers can do to mitigate cliArtist Name
00:00 / 29:09
White rice and paddy rice with rice plant background

4 Climate Smart Rice Production

These radio programs in Hausa were about how famers can adopt climate smart agronomic practices for rice cultivation thus mitigating the negative effects of climate change. 

4 Good Agronomics Practice for Cultivation of Rice Vision FM Gombe
00:00 / 27:56
4 Climate smart good agronomic practices for cultivation of rice Yola []Artist Name
00:00 / 30:34
4 Climate smart good agronomic practices for cultivation of rice YobeArtist Name
00:00 / 31:12
Corn cobs in corn plantation field._edited

5 Climate Smart Maize Production

These radio programs in Hausa were about how famers can adopt climate smart agronomic practices  for maize cultivation thus mitigating the negative effects of climate change. 

5 What are the climate smart agronomics practice cultivation of by maize Vision FM Gombe.m
00:00 / 27:25
5 Climate Smart agronomics practice cultivation of maize Maize Yola []Artist Name
00:00 / 38:35
5 Climate smart agronomic practices for cultivation of maize Yobe Artist Name
00:00 / 28:52
CMD Office

6 CMD Support for Climate Smart Agriculture

These radio programs in Hausa were about CMD's activities' under the feed-the-future program that is supporting  helping farmers practice climate smart agriculture. 

6 Climate Change and Farming Vision FM
00:00 / 29:00
6 CMD support in Climate Smart Agriculture Yola []Artist Name
00:00 / 30:05
6 How does CMD support climate smart Agriculture YobeArtist Name
00:00 / 28:01
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