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  • What is the Centre for Microenterprise Development?
    Centre for Microenterprise Development (also known as CMD or M-Place) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organization founded since 2002. CMD supports the establishment and growth of micro, small and medium enterprise's (MSMEs) through training, business development services and access to credit for farmers and MSMEs.
  • What is a cooperative?
    A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
  • What is the nearest branch to me?
    We have branches in the following locations: Gombe state - Billiri, Dukku, Gombe, and Kaltungo Adamawa state - Mubi, Gombi, Jimeta, Yola, Demsa and Yobe state - Damaturu, Potiskum, Jakusko and Nguru
  • When was CMD founded?
    We started operations in year 2002.
  • What is the minimum number of persons that can be in VSLA?
    A VSLA is expected to have a minimum of 15 persons and maximum of 25.
  • If we are a cooperative, can we become a VSLA?"
    Yes you can. If you are a cooperative located in Adamawa, Yobe and Gombe states you can send us your letter applying to be one of our VSLAs. The letter can be sent to or 1A Kaltungo Road, P. O. Box 994 Gombe.
  • What is Manager Accounting Software?
    Manager is a robust accounting software designed for small business. There is a free version for very small businesses available at There is also a server version and a cloud version which is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It includes key accounting modules, tax functions and features that streamline data entry and accounting procedures. The software is designed to be very easy to work with and is so intuitive. We provide implementation and support services to facilitate the set-up for small and medium enterprises. We have implemented manager accounting for companies, schools, financial institutions, and cooperatives. What ever your industry or size and whatever your budget, we can work with you. You can email Kola at or call him on 0902 858 5006.
  • What kind of institutions can use Manager Software?
    We have successfully set up manager in leasing company, hotel, school, manufacturing company, processing company, multi-sectional school, cooperative and shops.
  • Will CMD buy from me if I am not one of their registered groups?
    We prefer to buy from groups that have registered with us particularly those who have adopted the VSLA methodology. However, registration is free so why not contact Maria at or call her on 0808 589 8613.
  • What is an aggregator?
    Aggregators are agricultural businesses or cooperatives of growers that consolidate and distribute agricultural products. They typically support regional growers of diverse sizes and experience and sell products to local or regional markets. Are you an aggregator or off-taker interested in buying from our farmers? Please contact or on 0808 589 8667
  • What type of fertilizer can I get from CMD?
    Currently we offer chemical fertilizers from Notore, Indorama and TAKAgro. We also offer organic fertilizers too. Please contact or call her0808 589 8667 for fertilizer loan or purchase.
  • What is Feed the Future?
    The Feed the Future Initiative was launched in 2010 by the United States government and the Obama Administration to address global hunger and food insecurity. Centre for Microenterprise Development is one of the implementers of the Feed the Future program under Mercy Corps Rural Resilience Activity (RRA) in Northeast Nigeria. For more information contact or call him on 0708 590 3909
  • What is Rural Resilience Activity?
    The Rural Resilience Activity is a five-year USAID-funded Program in Nigeria's northeast. The purpose of the Rural Resilience Activity is to sustainably move people out of chronic vulnerability and poverty. The program is implemented by Mercy Corps through it partners. See for more details.
  • If I have a complaint, who should I report to?"
    Your first point of call is the Branch Manger. If your branch manager has not attended to you, you can send an email to or letter to 1A Kaltungo Road, Off Bauchi Road, Gombe or P O Box 994 Gombe. It will be treated as confidential and will be attended to within 24 working hours.
  • What is CARM?
    The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project is a multi-year initiative that will modernize how the CBSA assesses imported goods and manages revenue. Once fully implemented, CARM will streamline and automate business processes and offer online self-service tools to help the trade community do business in Canada.
  • How can I get a loan?
    We are pleased to inform you that you can get a loan for your micro and small business! With our partnership with First City Monument Bank under the USAID funded Rural Resilience Activity Implemented by Mercy Corps in Adamawa, Gombe and Yobe states, persons we join our cooperative can get loans. The steps are as follows: Get together as a group and contact us for registration and training. During the training we explain to the members the modalities for the loans To get the loans, members must be willing to guarantee each other; they must have bank accounts with FCMB and they must fill the loan form correctly. If everything is okay in number three, the applicant must have paid their cooperative shares which will be used for their equity contribution. Applicants who want to farm must have insurance cover. Members will pay their loans according to the terms and conditions.
  • What is the CMD Innovation Institute (IEI)
    Centre for Microenterprise Development Innovation Enterprise Institute is a tertiary institution approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. It currently offers courses leading to the award of National Innovation Certificate in five courses - Business Enterprise Management; Entrepreneurship; Financial Literacy; Social Enterprise Management and Crocheting.

Contact Details


Phone: +234 808 589 8667

+234 816  881 9024

Location: No 1A Kaltungo Road, Off Bauchi Road, Gombe, Gombe State

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